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Sasakura Ryuu

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Salad Recepie [06 Jan 2010|07:34pm]
In honor of the not-so-exact science that is cooking, I have come across a particularly tasty salad I would like to share.

Chard (about 6 good-sized leafs)
Crumbled Feta Cheese (a small container, about 4-5 oz.)
1 to 2 chopped pear or apple
2 scoopfulls of walnuts*, crushed

And a dressing of your choice. I recommend raspberry-lime.

This goes great with Italian style dishes, like spagettii or pizza. As for a drink, I recommend a white wine or an apple or pear juice respectively. Mineral water is also a good choice here.

*(ooc: I don't know how many walnuts I got, I litterally got two scoopfulls out of the container at the store. I think its about 12 oz. worth)

(ooc: I dunno if this salad has a name, its my version of one a good friend of mine makes.)
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