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Harry Reynolds

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Dr. Sophita Demos [09 Oct 2010|12:35am]
Dr. Sophita Demos

Melina Kanakaredes

PB: Melina Kanakaredes

History: When Sophita was an intern to become a doctor when she was attacked by a  drug dealers who wanted to force her to steal drugs for them. Luckily for her Cloak and Dagger showed up and saved her. That day changed her life forever and she vowed to do what she could to help out the people like the heroes who saved her. Linda Carter noticed this and helped her learn how to best do it and establish herself. She has since taken over a lot of the activities of Night Nurse though Linda still hasn't complete stopped yet.

Skills: Sophita is an expert emergency room doctor and is very inventive in dealing with injuries to metas. She can also provide confidential secret treatment for heroes free of charge
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