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♬ Sex Sells

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I Hear The People Wanting Something.....ME :D [23 Jan 2009|01:36pm]
So that anon love meme. Dude. My name was on it. And apparently my presence is demanded. No worries kiddies I really am around a lot more than you think. I'm logged in on [info]burntreatment a lot because RPing Kyoko is tons of fun.

But I'm here. I'm here. I swear. *does a little dance*

*makes a little*

Anyway yeah that's where I am. Though I do have an IM you all may have and happily molest me on. awesomeinstead. Yup. That's me. I've also been playing Tales of the Abyss which I mock heartlessly because I love it.
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[ viewing | January 23rd, 2009 ]
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