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Scene meme - Aleks and Irina [04 Aug 2013|01:31pm]
Aleks wakes up slowly, trying to piece together his surroundings. This isn't his rad chamber, bot thankfully, he's not feeling especially worked up or irritated right now. He's also fully dressed in uniform, and his head hurts. Along with that comes some fuzzy memories. There was a fight or... something.

Its amidst this that in looking around, he notices something next to him. No, someone. A girl someone.

A naked girl someone. Well, that's different.
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Baby Meme: Aleks and Del [08 Jun 2013|07:18pm]
A. Moira Alicia Childress
B. Capricorn
C. The baby being on the way got them talking, and ultimately they decided to try this marriage thing for the sake of raising a kid, and it worked out pretty well.
D. Stocky and athletic with green-streaked, dark ringlets and big, brown eyes that start out turning green, and go to full on glow-in-the-dark green when she's emotional.
E. 1. Discovered her powers early when she stuck her fingers in a socket that hadn't been fully covered properly. 2. Absorbs electrical charge and converts it into increased strength and durability. 3. Got into punk rock when some other teens at the mall assumed, due to her green streaks, she was into it and introduced her to it. 4. Doesn't really want to join SHIELD or even be a super hero - at 15, much more interested in playing with her band and dreaming of being a rock star. 5. Has played a little with designs and codenames, currently pretty sure if she does end up having to become a hero of some sort, she's at least going to have a cool costume - and currently plans to go by the name Amp.
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