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highlander_ii - House s8ep11
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House s8ep11
based on the radio commercial i heard for this -
- i'm expecting to be disappointed.

Starting Grade - B for lack of Cameron (if there's too much Foreman too early on, it'll get a downgrade to B- for 'too much Foreman)

* well, obviously things are not going to go well for anyone given the opening
* why is the episode so damned dark?
* this is House's first disciplinary hearing in 7.5 years? How'd that happen?
* Apparently this is gonna be a 'longer' episode since they ran the credits over part of a scene, rather than with the theme music.
* Dammit - now instead of Cuddy jerking House around w/ blackmail, everyone is using his parole as the dickleash.

* This is like the Tritter arc all over again... let's hope they don't stretch it out over half a season.
* I should drop half a letter grade for the director alone. *sigh*

* wtf happened to Chase's hair?????
* how can this dude be from Mercy and know nothing about House? House only takes specific cases and he wouldn't do that if there wasn't something to spark his 'interest'.

* Chase set a stink bomb? Has he lost his mind? No, really - has he lost his mind?

* Oh look, now we have to talk to Foreman... and if House gets suspended, Foreman might lose his job.... bwahahahaha! Then Cameron can be Dean, un-suspend House and make the show stop sucking!

* Why hasn't inquisition guy talked to Chase yet?

* That would be why... he's got a scalpel in his chest... and that's some really watery blood on doctor-chic's lab coat

* Are you telling me they killed off Chase now too? B/c that would suck - a lot. He's the only one left on the show who doesn't suck (who isn't House).

* Why does someone have to be 'at fault' for a patient flipping his lid and having a psychotic break?
* and why does everyone always think House doesn't care? House cares - he just doesn't always care when people think he should.
* also - when did the patient grab the scalpel during that struggle?

* OMG are you fucking kidding me? Chase could be paralyzed? How the fuck would THAT have happened? Did he get stabbed in the spine too? B/c last I checked, the heart an the spine aren't all that close together and he only had one puncture wound. (( okay, so possibly it was a clot and he might not be paralyzed ))

* I love that Chase is telling inquisition guy that he knew exactly what House was doing and knew that House wasn't a complete shit.
* And Chase has a strange scar on one of his toes.
*You go Chase! You tell off inquisition guy!

* Of course, inquisition guy is either gonna suspend Chase or House or something... wtf?

* Why does everyone think House should act like 'everyone else'? That would be boring.

* House's Vicodin pops like a party canister and he gets his epiphany. Now I wanna know if the guy's wife is smart enough to do what House told her to do.


* Here we go again - someone thinks House is dangerous and has a miraculous turn-around in the end b/c he did his damned job and saved a patient.

* Plot-twist - House is trying to ruin the outcome that says he wasn't a 'bad man'? Yeah, that sounds like House.

* He apologized to Chase - wow.

* Sadly, no Wilson in this ep, though I'm not sure where he'd've fit.

So far, this is the best episode this season. It took them 11 episodes to make one that didn't suck ass. I suspect the lack of Foreman made it not suck, since there's been a plethora of Foreman-the-boring in all the previous episodes.

Overall grade: B-ish - only b/c it really didn't suck, though I'm not sure what they're doing w/ Chase's story arc - tho, at least he's *getting* a story arc, which is more than can be said for all the time Cameron was on the show. I want them to keep Foreman at this level of involvement, b/c in the previous episodes, he's been far too prevalent and it's really been annoying. omg i hate this f'ing keyboard, f'ing netbook - imma rename you 'Snoreman' if you don't stop being an asshat

One more thing - why do we still only have two women on this show? Why does it have to be a huge sausage-fest? I mean, we don't even have Nurse Brenda anymore! So, so annoying. And a good bit of why I was ticked off that Foreman was the new Dean - it looks like they had to put in a dude b/c the chic couldn't handle it. Which is not at all the case. If Cuddy hadn't been replaced with that alien, she would've been just fine.

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Current Mood: blah
Current Music: OMG - Swanee River - still! damned earworms!

Name: highlander_ii
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