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highlander_ii - Sudoku & The Sentinel -
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Sudoku & The Sentinel -
I <3 Sudoku puzzles. I've finished at least 2 fulls books of 300 puzzles each over the last few years, plus several from an online calendar from a couple years ago. I have like 3 books still and this years calendar.

A co-worker at my previous job got me hooked on them and I've stayed w/ 'em ever since.

Yeah, I even have a Sudoku app on my phone. It's harder for me to do them on the phone b/c I'm 'visual' with my puzzle solving and need to 'see' things and I can't write on my phone, but it's okay. I do pretty well.


Since there's no chance I can write significantly about Sudoku puzzles (it's kind of like giving a 3 minute extemporaneous speech about cinder blocks*), I'll chat a bit about a show I've been re-watching.

The Sentinel

First - I hadn't realized how many of the guest stars on it had also been on either MacGyver or Stagate SG-1. This isn't really surprising, considering all three were filmed in Vancouver (MacGyver only partially). It's fun though - doing the 'hey! s/he was on X!' game.

Also - filming locations - again, many shared locations with any of the other shows/movies filmed in Hollywood North.

Then we get to the episode I'm on now - "The Real Deal" - oh, Robert Vaughn, y u so PITA everywhere u go? Jessalyn Gilsig is in this one too (you might know her as Will Schuster's ex-wife on Glee).

I've got 2 episodes after this one before I'm finished with this series run. Then I'll need something else to watch. Hmmmm. Help me out - what should I watch?

* a classmate had to do this in high school during our lesson-segment on forensics - the speaking version, not the police investigation version

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Name: highlander_ii
Back April 2020
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