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highlander_ii - Food -
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Food -
So, I roasted a chicken last week and had a good bit of it left over, even after eating chicken and potatoes all week, and needed something to do with it. I figured, since it was mostly dark meat left (which I don't like to eat most times), soup was a viable option. Thus, searched the internet and came up with this little gem: chicken soup with brown rice and ginger.

I made a few modifications - 2 chicken thighs and legs, instead of breasts, half low-sodium chicken broth and half water, and curry powder instead of the red pepper flakes (b/c I didn't have any) - it gives the same effect, and i used regular ole boring American cabbage b/c it was half the price of the Chinese cabbage. *g*

Early taste test shows promise... sadly, I need to wash a bowl before I can eat it... unless I use the giant mug I have instead. XD

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Current Mood: hungry

Name: highlander_ii
Back April 2020
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