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highlander_ii -
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List your (current) top five favorite food dishes; include photos if you'd like.

* really good red-velvet cupcakes
* perfectly grilled steak
* pork roast w/ rosemary
* really good, cold lemonade
* homemade pizza - this one's recent, b/c I can make it anyway I want, including leaving off that vile 'tomato' sauce

List your top five disliked movies of all time and why.

* this list is too long to count and, since I didn't like the movies in question, I can't think of any of the titles off the top of my head.

List your (current) top five favorite TV shows and why.

These are my top five 'of all time'
* MacGyver
* House, MD (during the first 4 seasons, and I could even deal w/ s5)
* The Pretender
* BtVS
* Defenders of the Earth

These are my top five 'current'
* Suits
* In Plain Sight (despite the last episode airing tonight - which I haven't seen yet, so no discussion in the comments!)
* L&O:SVU - even if I haven't seen it in a while
* Hawai'i Five-0
* (( don't really have a 5th - there are things I watch, but nothing that I *must* see ))

List your top five favorite places to visit; include photos if you'd like.

* Vancouver, BC - where the Gatecons that aren't in the UK happen *g*
* Venice, Italy - though it's been a LONG time since I was there, I would love to go back
* The Riverwalk in San Antonio
* The American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX for a Stars game
* wherever it is my friends live so I can see them *g*

List your (current) top five favorite songs; include video if you'd like.

* "Push" - Matchbox Twenty
* "St James Infirmary" - Hugh Laurie
* "If I Can't Have You" - Meatloaf
* "Vive le Rock" - Adam Ant
* "Crazy Arms" - Hugh Laurie
-- not a week goes back that one of these doesn't get stuck in my head... kid you not, 'Crazy Arms' was stuck in my head for nearly a week!

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Current Mood: tired

Name: highlander_ii
Back April 2020
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