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highlander_ii - April 20th, 2012
100 Photos - #001
I'm starting off with an older photo b/c I haven't found anything exciting at work to take pictures of and rather than wait a couple more days, I want to kick this off. And what better way than with something fannish? Considering the OTW membership drive is going on now! *hinthint*

Jim Butcher wearing a black wizard hat with Dresden Files quotes painted on it in silver paint; he's sitting at a table with a laptop open in front of him
Image is: Jim Butcher wearing a black wizard hat with Dresden Files quotes painted on it in silver paint; he's sitting at a table with a laptop open in front of him

This photo was taken in Feb 2004 at SheVaCon in Roanoke, VA. I used my trusty 35mm Canon Elan SLR - yes, I shot with film; it was all I had at the time. It's also the base photo for the icon you see there - Jim in the hat.

The subject: Jim was preparing to read from Blood Rites - the one that begins "The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault." - while two artists drew their interpretation of what he was reading.

The hat: The hat was a gift to Jim, from me. I collected quotes from all the books that were out at the time (1-5, plus a couple quotes that I had access to from book 6) - with the help of a large number of Dresden Files fans - and painted them onto the hat using fabric paint. The quotes are on the brim as well as the main part of the hat. There are also two quotes on the underside of the brim; one is the opening line from Storm Front - "I heard the mailman approach my office door, half an hour earlier than usual..." - the other is the line from BtVS that made Jim snort spaghetti out his nose - Spike: "Well this is just neat." from the s2 episode "Halloween".

The original con report I wrote up is a serious whirlwind of words (it's over here: http://highlander-ii.dreamwidth.org/161905.html) written on a bit of sleep-deprivation.

What else about this photo? Um - Jim's cut all his hair off, so doesn't look like that anymore. I don't know how much of his hair has grown back, but it's nowhere near that long anymore. And, as far as I know, the hat still lives in the 'writing room' atop the Darth Vader mask. XD

There's actually supposed to be a cloak to go with the hat, but RL got in the way and I uh... haven't finished making it yet. Considering the small issue of 'all the stuff to sew it together is back in Virginia and I'm here in Texas, it won't be finished any time soon. (Unless my mom decides to sew it all together for me *g*. I would've had more of it finished, but her sewing machine borked as I was getting started and she didn't get a new one until after I moved, or just before I moved.)

So that isn't really about the picture, but about all the things that go WITH the picture. And also - Jim Butcher is awesome. XD

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Name: highlander_ii
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