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highlander_ii - August 11th, 2012
Things makin' me sad this week:

Hugh Laurie's concert tour doesn't seem to include any dates below the Mason-Dixon Line (save Alexandria, VA) List of up-coming tour dates. (Yes, I'm still going to the one in Carmel, but dammit, Hugh, VISIT TEXAS!)

There's another potential NHL lockout... *sigh* seriously? WTF?

The big bad rainstorm we were supposed to get today was neither big, nor bad, and barely constituted 'rain'. Though, the temp did go down by about 10 degrees from the 102F it was before that.

Takin' my dog to the vet and having to shell out *more* monies than should ever be required for preventative care. *sigh again*

My utter inability to write much of anything for [community profile] kink_bingo. I have about 5 things 'in progress' and can't be arsed to work on any of them.

A lack of RP (and, relatedly, RP spoons). I have things I wanna do, but not always the brain!spoons to get them out there... or something. (possibly related to previous point, about writing)


Things I'm finding confusing:

"Minnie the Moocher" as incidental music on an ep of Profiler - Jack is one fucked up mother-fucker. Totally not a song I'd expect from him. Bailey singing opera, sure; Jack w/ "Minnie"? not so much.

The 'clubs' in rhythmic gymnastics. They're hard to see and look really complicated to work into a routine unless you're a circus clown. I just don't get them. (Love the ribbon, like the hoop, eh, on the ball, but the clubs? *headscratch*)

Okay - they've said 'poison dart frog' about 37 times already, just in part I of this ep of Profiler... doesn't the thing have another name? B/c it's starting to sound like a really obvious plot point.


Things that are slightly cheery:

GIANTmicrobes.com - for all your stuffy microbe needs!

Suits is coming up awesome almost every week this season - hence the icon, which is from one of the best scenes from this season. XD (Though, the icon also relates to work shit of doom that I'm not getting into just now.)

Restrung the bracelet I mentioned over in this post - again! - only using a beading needle (made the process much easier than the MacGyver version from last time) and added a couple extra beads - which means it doesn't have to stretch so much, so *fingers crossed* it doesn't snap in 5 days. *eyeroll*

I have someone to dog-sit while I'm out of town, which is always nice.

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Current Mood: blah

Name: highlander_ii
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