h o l l y
21 June 1981 @ 03:22 pm
I do hope Wales doesn't think they're getting past our defense. Sorry, Willow!

And for all those teams that haven't clinched yet, well...maybe you should start packing your bags now. You're up against the big boys---girls- real teams next round.
h o l l y
17 March 1981 @ 09:06 pm
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Yes, I am half Irish, I don't have to fake it like some of you out there! What's everyone doing? Me? Nothing, because I've got practice early, I mean honestly why would I even THINK of partying in the middle of the week like some of you---
h o l l y
16 February 1981 @ 03:06 am
My date from the auction was so cute and sweet. He got me a box of chocolates and a teddy bear! I can't remember the last time I'd gotten stereotypical Valentine's gifts. How'd everyone else's go? I'm looking at you, Willow Fairburn.