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EXAMS [29 Feb 2008|09:36pm]
Each exam has three holding spots. If the exam you wish to try out for is full, you must challange a current holder.
*Also, if an exam you want to hold is NOT on the list, comment here for approval by a mod before you try out for it. But remember that anything is open!

use this form when challenging

Best Face:
Best Body:
Best Eyes:
Best Hair:
BEST Best Friends:
Best Complexion:
Cutest Couple:
* You are not limited, comment with your idea for an exam!
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[29 Feb 2008|09:11pm]
Remember that duels are not required, however; they are a great way to keep this community active!

If you win five duels, your score will go up 1%
If you lose the duel you started, the dueler will recieve 1%

You may request a new duel on this page.

You this code when dueling:

Rambo picture
Etudes picture
Snapple picture
Twig picture
Higinia picture
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[29 Feb 2008|09:04pm]
Duels are completely optional. Here at [info]honors_hall there are two different types of duels.

You have the option to challenge any member within 5% points of your score. Winning five duels will add 1% to your over all score. If the person you duel WINS, they will automatically recieve 1% added to their score. This also maintains community activity.

Think a member doesnt deserve to be here? Challenge them out. If you win you will recieve 50 points and 2% points added to your score. If you lose, your score will drop down to the minimum acceptance score, which is a 75%.

Please see here for the complete list of duel pictures and scores.
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MEMBER PAGE [26 Feb 2008|11:23pm]

your mod: [info]poetics

rambo etudes snapple twig higinia
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[16 Feb 2008|02:30pm]
 Honors will hold weekly superaltives which will be open for any member to participate in. Each week will consist of a different theme that will be chosen by the previous winner.

Superaltives will start once the community hits thirty members.
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DUELS [16 Feb 2008|02:23pm]

Each member of the community must duel at least once a month to remain an active member. You must duel someone within 5% points of your score.

1. If you win five duels, your score will go by 1% point.
2. If you lose five duels, your score will drop by 1% point.

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EXAMS [16 Feb 2008|02:15pm]
 Exams are where a member may try out for any category (of their choice) and fight to keep their spot. There are three slots for each exam; however, you may be kicked out at any time by a challenging member.

Current Exams:
Best Hair:
Best Eyes:
Best Face:
Best Complexion:
Best Body:
Best Photograph:
Best Friends:
Cutest Couple:
Cutest Animal:

If you would like to add an exam slot, comment here. Trying out for an exam with less than three occupants means you are auto accepted.

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MEMBERS PAGE [16 Feb 2008|02:03pm]
Current Members
Updated: February 16
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