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go to sleep my little time bomb.

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I need sanctuary in the pages of this book. [29 Apr 2008|10:11am]
"I'll tell you why. I think you're a lonely person. I drive by this place a lot and I see you here. I see a lot of people around you. And I see all these phones and all this stuff on your desk. It means nothing. Then when I came inside and I met you, I saw in your eyes and I saw the way you carried yourself that you're not a happy person. And I think you need something. And if you want to call it a friend, you can call it a friend."

Just because I want to have some idea of who is reading this.
Comment to be added.

INSANEJOURNAL: /~sleazenation
LIVEJOURNAL: /~soulexposed
LAST.FM: /dreamsequence
MYSPACE: /texthearts
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[ viewing | April 29th, 2008 ]
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