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Victor Von Doom

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Change [09 Apr 2011|10:00pm]
Doom sits at his dining room table, awaiting the arrival of his heir, Kristoff Vernard. He enjoys a small goblet of red wine as he reviews the invitations to several dinners and ceremonies to honor is "generous donations" to various charities around the world. His enemies had seen fit to donate the largess of his funding to all and sundry when they brought his latest plan to ruin, but he had not known the depths to which they'd sink, heaping insult upon injury.

Their plan, however, had worked far too well.

In addition to having no evidence of Doom's acts against Wakanda to provide to the United Nations, the donations had cast him in a benevolent light. While he could not repay his enemies directly for their acts against him, he could capitalize on his new reputation to renew his infrastructure and make Latveria into the country that Wakanda had once been, spitting in T'Challa's face yet again. However, this was not a development Doom himself could make the most of.

"Enter, Kristoff. We have much to discuss." Doom says, bidding the younger man to enter and seat himself.

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A Meeting [03 Apr 2011|09:59am]
It has taken Victor Von Doom the better part of a year to recover from the fall of his infrastructure, after his nearly-successful bid to rule the world. Years of careful planning and gamesmanship had allowed him to not only maim the Black Panther, T'Challa,but also become the first and only man to conquer Wakanda in 10,000 years as well as take from his enemy the enchanted metal called vibranium. The vibranium was used to create an armor that allowed Doom to make the world his weapon.  Doom was on the brink of crushing his opposition beneath his armored boot before T'Challa managed to do the unthinkable and render all of the world's vibranium inert and useless. Not only did he defeat Doom, but destroying the infrastructure and livelihood of Wakanda in the process.

Their contest was, ultimately, a draw.

With the bulk of his resources having been donated to charities by his enemies, and no proof for the World Courts that Doom committed any crime, the Latverian monarch now benefited from an odd twist of fate: he was one of the world's foremost humanitarians, contacted by all and sundry for advice and information on how to address cures for various diseaes and creating better machines to drill for oil, to till farms and other projects. Few of the organizations that were bequeathed his money wished to return it, so many of the accepted Doom's "suggestions" for various expansions and enterprises.

Over time, the money began to flow back in and Doom carefully and quietly rebuilt his empire.

Now, however, he sits across from a being capable of aiding him a future enterprise and he must take not to come out the loser in this bargain.

Asgardians are notoriously temperamental. Doom's knowledge of Loki could attest to that.

"Would you care for another glass of wine, Amora?" Victor asks, regarding her warily.
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Doom App [09 Jun 2010|04:31am]

Player (nickname/handle)/LJ: De
Email: On File
AIM (if you have one): One File
How did you hear about the game? (optional) : Member of Community

Character Name: Victor Von Doom
Character LJ (if applicable): i_am_doom
PB if using one: Various Doom scans
Character location/Home: Latveria/Mobile

What are your plans for the character? Doom will bring strife and ruin to his enemies in order to elevate himself and Latveria to the place they belong: on top.

How are you planning on working them into the game? Doom is an enemy of the Fantastic Four, but he can really show up anywhere. I am working on a plot that will slowly introduce what Doom has been up to since he lost Doomwar.

Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? :  The “Unthinkable” story arc, imprisoning Franklin Richards in Hell, and slaying his childhood love to increase his mystical power are things I think are more shock value and less to actually do with Doom.

Doom was captured by the Intelligencia and did get screwed over by Bruce Banner, but Kristoff rescued him and repaired the brain damage in much the same manner that Tony Stark's brain was rebooted during Siege.

Oh and Doom did /not/ lose to Squirrel Girl. Ever.

What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character?

Please be as detailed as you wish: I’d like to see Doom in both mystical and technological story lines, as well as battling and initiating threats that affects the entire world. Doom isn’t a mustache-twirling evil bad guy; he simply has his set of goals and priorities, and those who stand in his way are his enemies.


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