Bobby Stark-Barton's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Bobby Stark-Barton

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Stopping for a bite to eat. [17 Jun 2012|07:17pm]
Bobby pushed harder on the gas and Sally responded with the engine getting louder and the speed increasing. He smiled and ran a hand lovingly over the steering wheel.

"Hungry?" he asked the person sitting in the passenger seat.
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In the garage [07 May 2010|08:01pm]
"I promise this won't hurt a bit," Robert Anthony Stark Barton said as he leaned over the quarter panel and under the hood. His hands worked as he talked. Talking to one of his girls was nothing new. He loved his cars and he loved working on them. His mother said he inherited it from Grandpa Tony and she was probably right. Some of his earliest memories were working on cars with Grandpa Tony.

"I'll make you feel good when I'm done," he continued as his hands worked on engine parts. "You'll be just fine, honey. You'll be purring like a kitten in no time."
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