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Jason Todd

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Test Scene [07 Nov 2010|06:59pm]
It had been a while since he had been in Gotham. Last time he had been there he had tried to kill Batman all he had to do was activate the bomb but he couldn’t do it, it didn’t feel right. Bruce wouldn’t have known he was back and he wouldn’t have known that he was the one to kill him.

After that Talia had helped him setting him but with some of the best teachers so that he could be as best prepared as he could be for when he went after batman again. It had been a long journey but he had learned a lot and did feel better prepared for that fight when it did happen.

Granted he knew that Talia had been just trying to distract him so that he wouldn’t kill her beloved but that was fine he was still learning and would be prepared to take him down when the time came.

Earlier that week he had come to the realization that when this all went down it should just be the two of them after all there was someone else involved in all of this, The Joker. It had to be the three of them but how to go about setting up that little reunion right now escaped him.

So he decided to take a walk around the streets of Gotham to clear his head a little being careful to avoid the places Bruce often frequented on his patrols.
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App [07 Nov 2010|02:46pm]
Player (nickname/handle)/LJ: Matt
Email: on record
AIM (if you have one): on record

Character Name: Jason Todd/ Red Hood
Character LJ (if applicable):
PB if using one: Jensen Ackles
Character location/Home: Gotham

What are your plans for the character? I would love to do an Under the Red Hood plot line. To cause general trouble for the Bat Family. Take over the Gotham under world while simultaneously trying to destroy it.
How are you planning on working them into the game? Either in a Hush plot or in an Under the Red Hood Plot.

Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? He was not brought back to life by a Superboy temper tantrum. I'm going with Talia through his body in a Lazarus pit that Raz was in bringing him back to life

What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character? Mainly Bat Family but am open to other plots like with Green Arrow, Titans, or even something like Countdown.
Please be as detailed as you wish:

Test Scene: In Progress http://www.scribbld.com/users/ihatecrowbars/763.html
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