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[04 Dec 2011|09:38pm]
Hey Future Mrs Chambers! (At least, if Tiger-Lily had her way you would be.) Anyway, I just want you to know I haven't forgotten about you or our set up. Sorry I haven't be in contact since, been rather busy with Quidditch starting up again. Coach has upped the amount of days we train so we can make the finals. It's crazy. But, I love it.

I could have sworn I saw you when the team stopped by to see if Oliver was okay yesterday but you looked busy and in a rush so I thought it best not to bother you. The sick people you look after should take priority over a friendly hi and a chat. So, think of this as a friendly hi, how are you going?

Mate, don't know what you were thinking trying to save Flint but don't be gone too long, yeah? You're too hard to replace. Get better soon.
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[16 Nov 2011|10:44pm]
Look out Tutshill. Prepare to be stomped. Puddlemere United for the WIN!!

[Puddlemere Players]
Wood - Sorry I missed your party, mate. Heard it was good from the rest of the team. I had a special little lady visiting and well... she's better looking than you. Sorry.

See you all at practice tomorrow.

Oh, by the way, I'm going to need a new set of gloves. Anyone recommend a pair? Preferably some that are child-proof.
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[07 Nov 2011|06:46pm]
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