All the Freaks in the Freakdom ([info]inthefreakdom) wrote on September 8th, 2010 at 05:23 am
Biography: Janeane Morrow
Vivacious and latex clad Janeane was actually the geek of the class when in high school. Voted most likely to clone herself. It was only during college that Janeane really let loose and became the wild and sexy woman that she is today. She has been working in the sexual relations field of psychology for years now, out of her apartment, and later in a brothel. Her clients come highly recommended and she helps them with all manner of sexual dysfunction.

For a time she dated Curtis Lane. Their relationship was a bit shaky, even given that he knew about her work. They moved in together and Janeane quit her job. A few months later Curtis disappeared. All of his possessions left behind, no notice, without a word. Janeane was shattered.

She found a new apartment and picked up her old job, this time in a brothel. She met Jasper McCalligan outside of the apartment building one night and the two hit it off. Sadly, after dating for some time Jasper disappeared just like her last boyfriend. Convinced that she's a jinx, Janeane has sworn off dating for the time being and is trying to find something in her life worth holding on to.
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