08 September 2010 @ 04:14 am
Biography: Antonia Bellini  
Name: Antonia Bellini
Hometown: Barcelona, Spain
Current Address: 602 Burnham City Aparments
Age / Birthday: 37 / June 21, 1973
Personality: The best explanation for Antonia begins and ends with her undergarments.
Dirty little secret: Had an abortion while in high school; she will never tell her mostly Catholic family.
Random facts: Renounced her citizenship to Spain to gain American citizenship and hasn't regretted it since.

History: Antonia never particularly liked her life in Spain. Not that things have changed since moving to America ten years ago.

In her teens years Antonia developed a bad habit of dating unavailable or married men, this has continued into her adult life (and has been a constant plague that she seems to invite). She was smart and beautiful, something men had a tendency to chase after. She developed a bit of a reputation in Barcelona for being the easiest girl in Spain.

She applied for a visa after a particularly bad break up and shortly thereafter renounced her citizenship from Spain. She became an American citizen and burned up her passport with the goal of never traveling back to Spain.

When her sister needed a place to stay a few years back she invited her to move in. Despite having no desire to see most of her family again, Antonia has a good relationship with her sister Francesca.

At present Antonia works as a legal secretary for Westerveldt & Parrish.