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Melissa Grunnion

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[12 Feb 2008|08:31am]
Whoever thought it would be FUNNY to keep throwing BALLS at me should know that if I'd broken ANY of my fingers, I wouldn't be able to play the cello. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT TIME FOR ME. I cannot afford to lose any practise time!
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1 JUNE [01 Feb 2008|02:16pm]
Dodgeball? Really? Excuse me while the entire student population reverts to being eight all over again. There's no way you'll get me out in a field throwing a ball and trying to hit my peers.
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21 MAY [21 Jan 2008|06:48pm]
I haven't really wanted to talk about it. Mummy and daddy are very upset and

I had to convince my parents that I should finish out the last few weeks of term at Hogwarts. They threatened to pull me out after the Headmaster was killed and students going missing. I refused to leave, in the end though. I started my schooling here, and I am going to finish it. I need it for uni, and it's just ridiculous to think of pulling me out with such a short time to go.

They want me to see another psychi I simply HAVE to do something with my hands now, so I think I'm going to go to the music room and practise a bit. It's all I seem to do lately.
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28 APRIL [28 Dec 2007|06:40pm]
Nothing ever goes right on these weekend trips. Last time, I got swept up in some weird parade, and this very colourful man asked me if I had the time. Well, I didn't, so I told him so as nicely as I could, and he directed me straight to a LORREY when I asked him where there was some place of importance. I really didn't think it was funny.

So now I'm just wondering what sort of nonsense will happen THIS weekend.
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21 APRIL [21 Dec 2007|10:44pm]
There. I've just spent the two hours I was scheduled to practise, cleaning and organising my hard drive. I don't know WHO sent me that email (admittedly a month ago)-- you're such a clever little hacker, aren't you? -- but JAVAGAY was NOT my schedule. I FINALLY had to take two hours off my practise to sift through all that rubbish. TWO HOURS. Do you KNOW how long I've been putting this off? If I didn't need my computer right now, I wouldn't bother. Do you understand just how far BEHIND I am now, because of you? I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF WHOEVER YOU ARE, because I'm not.

There were disgusting files downloaded to my computer, and I don't know how you people stand it -- not the gay, I'm tolerant of that. I meant the SEX. It's completely revolting. I don't want ANYONE'S bits inside ME. Especially those bits. HELLO, you URINATE from that. In the case of JavaGay, you defecate. SICK.

Who spends their time creating things like that anyway? It just seems like a phenomenal waste of time. Time that could be spent doing other things, like CREATING something. Or helping people. Or maintaining ORDER.

Also, whoever is SCREAMING in the common room, PLEASE DESIST. I only have thirteen more minutes on my computer before I head to the showers. I just want to blog in peace and quiet. Is it really too much to ask?
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.000 - Biography [19 Dec 2007|02:07pm]
Melissa Grunnion )
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