Dean Monaghan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dean Monaghan

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A Nice Pay Day [13 Feb 2013|11:14pm]
Dean had gotten a contract to cut a loose end from a science project that had escaped from Injun Peak Facility. Apparently they had been looking into some older experiments and decided it would be worth while to recreate one of them. Which had inadvertently escaped and could not be allowed to live. Dean was very thankful that Injun Peak had not upgraded their horrible security system since ever and instead liked to give the money to him. It paid for a lot of his favorite guns.

The info that the head researcher had given him told him that the escaped experiment had gone completely insane and now would be a great embarrassment if found out. They had apparently managed to give the guy superpowers but for some reason they were unwilling to explain to him he could only use his powers if he was reading porn. So this could be really weird or a very easy ten thousand dollars.

Since the guy needed porn to use his powers Dean headed over to Gotham's red-light district to see if he could spot the crazy guy using super-powers. He really should have found out what those powers were when he was back at the research institute but now he just really hoped that they did not belong in a porno because that would be disgusting.

Scouting out some building with his x-ray vision Dean found that he really did not need to have waited long to find that guy when a nearby adult theater exploded outwards. "There are so many dirty thing I could say about all of this but right now I just want the money," Dean says to himself as he grabs his sniper rifle and started looking for the guy at the center of the explosion.

The guy came out glowing with energy and was mid super villain rant. Just another reason to want to kill the guy. Dean lines up his shot and pulls the trigger. Crazy guy with powers from reading porn's head explodes and Dean smirks. "Nice I've got money again," Dean says as he packs up to go collect his payday.
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