February 9th, 2011
06:39 am - Return to Your Ring .
If you entered my sites through one of the rings to which my metablog (ie. this blog, the blog you're on, at this moment) belongs, then the code for your ring should be present, on the page below. If you don't see a navbar that should be there, then this is probably because Webring has been merging or renaming rings, again, which is not a problem - you can return to your ring through pages on 1Hwy and Webring Webspace, where the system will let me use SSNB and other javascript. Which you use doesn't matter much - the same ringcode is at either location, sending you back to the very same locations on the very same rings - but if you desperately feel the need to return to your ring through the very page you left it from, you can.
If you entered my sites through any other page on Stumbling into the Void, which includes this blog, copies of a homepage for the blog on 1Hwy and Webring Webspace, a profile on Tribe (and a few other pages), or if you entered my sites anywhere else, then you can return to your ring through the local ring return pages on 1Hwy or Webring Webspace.
Scribbld |