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foot doctor [15 Mar 2013|01:11am]
With over 25 years of experience, You can rely on Dr. Milton W. Richardson or to effectively diagnose, and treat your needs. Dr. Richardson and the staff at Apex foot & Ankle and dedicated to providing patients with real results in alleviating foot problems such as generalized foot pain, bunion, hammer toe, nail pathology, ganglion cyst, neuroma, heel spurs and fractures, which are easily treated by medical, surgical and orthotic therapies. Caring for the feet increases patient productivity and improves the quality of life. We can help! Make the call to Apex Foot & Ankle Center today at 919-363-3310

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podiatrist [15 Mar 2013|01:11am]
With over 25 years of experience, You can rely on Dr. Milton W. Richardson or to effectively diagnose, and treat your needs. Dr. Richardson and the staff at Apex foot & Ankle and dedicated to providing patients with real results in alleviating foot problems such as generalized foot pain, bunion, hammer toe, nail pathology, ganglion cyst, neuroma, heel spurs and fractures, which are easily treated by medical, surgical and orthotic therapies. Caring for the feet increases patient productivity and improves the quality of life. We can help! Make the call to Apex Foot & Ankle Center today at 919-363-3310

foot specialist
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