[icon] Kazamir de Kooning - Post a comment
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Subject:Kazamir: [Open to Students]
Time:03:25 pm
Carly Travers you are a piece of shit. If I hadn't been blackout drunk my dick would have gone nowhere near you. Quite frankly, I wouldn't even fuck you with a homeless man's dick.

Nevertheless, thank you for the journal - it will make for nice rolling papers. I will write whatever I wish on the web; it's not my fault you choose to read what I have to say. You're pathetic and you look like you should have graduated in the 19th century.

And for anyone who chooses to refer to me as 'Kazanova' be warned that I can and will twist your tongue until it rips out of your head that I will then keep as a souvenir.

That is all.

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