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Gelsey Kennicot

with the colours so vibrant, the colours so loud.
the only people for me are the mad ones ` the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ` desirous of everything at the same time, ` the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, ` but burn, burn, burn, ` like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars
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[3 Mar + 9:22pm]
MMMM, Ev, these scones are SO GOOD, my fingers are all sticky, it's like I have a sticking charm on my fingers! That tastes like cinnamon. Why can't spells have tastes, I don't get that, like they have words? But why can't we taste what Expelliarmus is? I would think it is bitter, like cardamon. And there is a lovely licorice taste to Alohamora, I am sure. I wonder if you cast a spell at something, if you licked it, you would find out? Though if you hexed someone and then you licked them, that would be a bit rude unless you ask, I'm sure, and maybe the taste of the person would influence the taste of the spell since I firmly believe that all people have different tastes too. I bet he tastes like dreams and perfect and orange sherbert.

I wonder what clouds taste like. I'd hope cotton candy, but I bet it's something depressing like chalk dust.
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...profilicus totalis! [3 Mar + 8:17am]
life is too important to be taken seriously )
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