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seamus finnigan ;;

Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer, beer, beer! Tiddly beer, beer, beer.

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Private to Harry Potter [Wed 5 Mar / 6:32pm]

So. I just thought I should let you know, as you are captain.  

Apparently I was talking in my sleep last night.

Apparently I was muttering "constant vigilance" over and over under my breath.

FUCKING HELL, HARRY, I'M NOT EVEN ON THE ACTUAL TEAM! Which is bollucks by the way. I'm surprised it didn't wake you up, trigger some sort of nerve in your vigilant little brain or something.

Sorry for any disrespect, captain. This doesn't mean laps does it?

take a swig

[Sun 2 Mar / 6:17pm]
Brilliant game, Hufflepuff! My condolences to the wounded and thanks for making it interesting.  As for Ackerly and Summerby, I haven't seen a crash like that since the Arrows played the Stormers. Though I wish there had been more blood

So, how are we celebrating? Firewhiskey I hope? Sorry, everyone, it's just this bloody quill...

Oh, and I would like to say that I am now seventeen, thankyouverymuch.  So there's all the more reason for celebrating. And I would like a cake. Chocolate, preferably.
green beer (37) take a swig

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