Wilhlemina "Mina" Wagner's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Wilhlemina "Mina" Wagner

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The Devil You Know [05 Feb 2011|03:34pm]

1)      In a bid to unseat Belasco, S’ym kidnaps four-five specific X-Men (including Mina Wagner) to use in a specific ritual.  (details determined based upon who volunteers).  (thinking perhaps Ellie should be one of them too)  Plenty of room for demon-fights in the X-Mansion here.


2)      Other X-ers (probably led by Lucas?) travel to Limbo to rescue them.  More room for demon-fights as they travel across limbo (with its weird time things) to rescue the others.  Possible fight with demonic/corrupted versions of the kidnapped x-ers.


2-a) meanwhile, the captured X-ers work on getting themselves out, but are recaptured.


3)      Rescue x-ers make it to where the captured ones are being held, to find Belasco’s forces now set upon the place and a full scale war between sides underway.  S’ym begins his ritual, which starts to upset the balance of Limbo.


4)      X-ers fight to free their friends.  During the course of the fight, Mina is able to summon the Soulsword and uses it to halt the ritual.


5)      X-ers, battered and beaten, prepare to fight Belasco, who summarily dismisses them and sends them home.


6)      Mina vows to continue her largely abandoned magical education, feeling guilty that her extremely limited knowledge and skills weren’t able to help them here.

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App [02 Jun 2010|12:49am]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Dylan
Email: on-file
AIM (if you have one): on-file
Character Name: Wilhemina “Mina” Wagner (codename: Brimstone )
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Mina possesses a very similar body structure to her father and brother, with light blue fur, pointed ears, glowing yellow eyes, and three fingers on each hand and bird-like three toed-feet.  She also possesses a prehensile tail.  She has dark hair, in which she sometimes dyes a white stripe.
Age: 16
Birthday: May 18
PB: various comic scans
Abilities: Due to her body structure and fur, Mina possesses extraordinary flexibility and agility, the ability to cling to walls, and a prehensile tail. 


Mina’s true mutant ability, however, lies in her ability to harness the energy of the brimstone dimension in the form of energy blasts that cut through objects by teleporting the matter elsewhere as they strike or can be used stun opponents unconscious by putting them "out of phase." 


Because of her mother, Mina possesses a certain amount of aptitude for magic, but because of her unique body structure, is largely unable to complete the mystic signs and hand-motions necessary for most of it.  She knows enough to recognize certain types of magic, but has only been able to actually perform a short range (100 yards) teleportation spell.


Mina speaks fluent German and is skilled in acrobatics and swordsmanship.


Weaknesses and flaws: Overuse of her brimstone blasts can leave her quite weak.  Despite her abilities, Mina is still basically human with the same vulnerabilities and flaws.  As an obvious mutant, Mina must rely on an image inducer when out in public.

Character location/Home: Xaiver Institute, Westchester, NY
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Kurt Wagner (father), Amanda Sefton-Wager (Mother), Raven Darkholme (paternal grandmother), Graydon Creed (uncle, deceased), Rogue (foster “Aunt”), Margali Szardos (maternal grandmother), Jake Wagner (half-brother), Talia Josephine Wager (alternate universe half-sister)

Backstory: Not long before he discovered he had a son, Kurt Wagner married long-time off and on again girlfriend Amanda Sefton, a relationship which was briefly strained by the appearance of said son.  But their love prevailed and produced a daughter named Wilhelmina, or Mina, for short.  Kurt’s particular brand of genes proved to be particularly strong, producing a child who looked much like him and her brother.  Though Amanda’s mystic responsibilities would take her away from home for long stretches, the four were, by all accounts, a happy family.


Mina has recently considered formally joining the Gold Squad.  Unlike her shyer brother, Mina is extremely outgoing and a bit of a show-off.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Some sort of thread.  Mina’ll be one of those “was always there, just not around” types.

What are you planning to do with this character?: Bit of stuff with a less-in-fitting in the human world x-er, possible magic-related stuff somewhere down the road, but just generally have a bit of fun the more serious x-er I’ve got, Rachel, maybe can’t have
What do you want to see happen with this character?: see above

Sample post:


Mina looked down.  One hundred feet up, no net.  Just her own skill keeping her from all manner of broken bones and possible other injuries. She gripped the trapeze bar in her hands, took a deep breath, and stepped off the platform into the swing.  At the farthest point of her arc, she released and flew through the air, practically weightless for a moment, before grabbing the next bar, her momentum carrying her along to the next platform, where she pushed back with her feet, hanging on as she went backwards, releasing, and executing a flip.  Her feet reached out for the bar….  and missed.


She was falling.  Straight down.  Middle of the floor.  Nothing to grab onto…


Quickly, she said a mystic word under her breath, making the only mystic sign her hands would allow.  In a flash of light, she vanished, reappearing on the ground, clutching at her chest and trying to slow her heart rate.


“Okay,” she said to herself.  “I meant to do that.  But next time… I’m going to mean to do that with the platforms a little closer.”

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