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Jubilation Lee

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Four Months (Pregnancy meme, with Laura) [15 May 2013|11:19am]
Jubilee sighed and ran a hand over her somewhat bulging stomach. Would have been nice if she'd been told somewhere along the way that vampires could even get pregnant. Not that she hadn't been careful anyway, but, y'know, the statistics were right there on the condom box. Being on the move with the Exiles had hardly meant there'd be a chance for a simple solution, and by the time she knew for sure, it was far enough along that even if it was legal wherever they were, she wasn't quite comfortable with it.

Her stomach was showing under the hemline of her shirt, now having some clearance from where it used to tuck into her pants. Dammit. She liked this shirt way too much to let it get permanently stretched. New wardrobe was going to have to be soon.

She pushed herself back and forth on the swings, gently, as she waited for Dory to get back from aerial recon. So far as rendezvous places went, a playground wasn't that bad.
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