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[20 Feb 2010|12:05am]
I think I know what's gonna keep my attention at Scribbld! I'm going to start entering icon contests. :D Yay!
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[20 Feb 2010|02:28am]
Just made myself an actual layout for Scribbld (finally!) and it looks pretty neat if I do say so myself. :D


SO GO LOOK. >P It's Princess Princess~ :D
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[20 Feb 2010|02:54am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | bLiND, Leifo - Fading Entity (Listen to the Cries of the Planet) ]

Okay so since I'm planning on being active on this thing, there's something I need to know! Who on here is actually active? 'Cause I want to clean up my friends list so that I have the active people, but I just want to make sure. I know a few of you for sure. So this is... kind of a friends cleaning. It's not really a friends cut 'cause I'm not unadding people 'cause I felt that it was getting cluttered or I don't like people or whatever, I just want to know who is still here.


Comment within the next 1-2 weeks if you're still active and still wanna be my friend. :D

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[20 Feb 2010|08:32am]
I am up way too fucking early in the morning and I'm not even going to class and I've just learned that if I'm not going to class, I didn't need to be up /this/ early. Goddamnit. XD
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[20 Feb 2010|11:28pm]
Alright. x3 I made a layout for [info]aibou today. :D I think it looks awesome so check it out~
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[ viewing | February 20th, 2010 ]
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