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Kassia Grace Frost-McKenzie

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App (for archival purposes) [23 Jan 2020|10:24pm]
Kassia Grace McKenzie-Frost

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Nix

Email: lifeinpolaroid@gmail.com

AIM (if you have one): BlackInkedWords

Character Name: Kassia Grace Emma Frost McKenzie

Character LJ (if applicable): little_mermaid

Physical description (face, build, weight): Grace (Kassia) is petite (5'3") and slim-framed. She has the body of a swimmer in that she is graceful and well-toned. Her eyes are a blue-green color not unlike the ocean and her hairis a medium brown in color, long with some natural wave and curl to it. She's very pretty with an animated smile. Additionally she has small wings her ankles.

Age: 17

Birthday: April 13

PB: (If using one.) Michelle Trachtenberg

Abilities: ability to breathe underwater, flight, telepathic interference/relay (essentially she can serve as a living communicator for the thoughts of those around her as well as use the same ability to keep outsiders OUT) enhanced strength and durability. She has also recently demonstrated the ability to heal damage caused by other telepaths, namely her mother.

Weaknesses and flaws: She is prone to migraines and while she does have enhanced durability, she can be injured and is not unbreakable. She is also an environmentalist with a strong passion for protecting the ocean.

Character location/Home: TBD--permanent address is Boston.

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent for now, heroically inclined.

Relatives (living/dead?): Namor McKenzie (father), Emma Frost (mother), Christina Frost (half sister), Marrina McKenzie (half sister)

Backstory: Grace was conceived during the brief, no strings attached relationship Emma Frost had with Namor McKenzie. Namor named his daughter Kassia and for four years was a dominant figure in her life. Despite not being able to claim her due to how soon she was born after the death of his wife, Kassia grew up at a beach house where her father had daily visits and was even taken to Atlantis in secret one time. Kassia was very fond of her father, subjecting him to tea parties and cookies whilst begging for a pet kraken. Her happy childhood was short-lived, however, when her mother began a relationship with Sebastian Shaw. Namor gave Emma an ultimatum, demanding that his child not be around Shaw and Emma retaliated by taking Kassia away and wiping Namor's memory of the little girl. Emma took Kassia to England (and later Boston) where she renamed her Grace and for a time raised her with Sebastian Shaw. Grace hated Shaw, missed the ocean, and never forgot her father or Atlantis. She quietly bided her time, waiting for a day when she could some day go home.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Once she is reunited with Namor, Grace will be placed in the care/company of her sovereign and half-sister Marrina.

What are you planning to do with this character? Bring some sunshine to the game! More seriously, so many Marvel kids have great sadness as part of who they are. I think it would be interesting to introduce a character who is, by and large, well-adjusted, happy, and truly interested in bridging the gap between humans and mutants.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I don't know, actually. I kind of want to see her out of the box to see where the day takes her.
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