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Push me up against the wall, Southern girl with a scarlet drawl. - December 5th, 2011
[Soft spoken with a broken jaw, step outside but not to brawl.]
Character Information
Full Name: Benji Kate Sommer-Passos.
Nick Names: Ben, Benben, Dog, Benny, Turkey Girl.
Hometown: Bluebell Town, Georgia.
Residence: Corpus Christi, Texas.
Birthday: December 10th, 2016.
House: Roanoke.
Boggart: Kia, Rhi, AC, Ryan, or her mom [Michi] laying motionless in a coma, with everybody in the family gathered around bedside. Whoever she is most worried about at the moment seems to be the boggart's choice of form.
Riddikulus: Whoever happens to be in the bed suddenly sits up, and the people around the bed are actually holding a birthday cake and balloons. It's a surprise party, obviously!
Patronus and Why: Benji’s charm appears in the form of a raccoon. These little bandits represent curiousity, creativity, and dexterity. They are also naturally associated with disguise.

School Information:
Wand: Springy dogwood with a core of fire crab shell fragment, thirteen and a quarter inches.
- Art.
- Combative Magic.
- Advanced Astronomy.
- Wandless Magic.

- Dueling Club.
- Gaming Club.
- Pride Club.
- Student Government [Class Rep].

Strongest Subject: Astronomy.
Weakest Subject: History of Magic [super dry and boring] & flying [by choice; knows how to perfectly handle a broom but never put forth any effort].
Animagus form, if applicable: N/A.

Family and Relationships
Parents: Jessica & Michiko Sommer-Passos [Mothers].
Siblings: Isamu Sommer-Passos [Big Brother] & Rhianna Sommer-Passos [Little Sister].
Extended Family: Uncle Yori, plus several aunties and a couple of uncles, blood-related and otherwise. Lots of cousins and cousin-like substitutes.
Familiar: Her dog, Boxer, whom she's had since she was practically still a baby herself. He’s a purebred Boxer, aptly named by her mother. Hunter claimed at least it was more original than ‘dog’ which is what she was going to call him.
Sexuality: Benji doesn't really give sexuality much thought, it was never a big deal in their family, but she's pretty sure she's gay. Girls are cuter and softer. What she does know is that she is, and has always been, way into Kia Dubinsky. No matter what anyone else says or thinks about it.

PB: Gillian Zinser.
Physical Description: Benji definitely inherited a good portion of her looks from the Sommer side of her family. The blonde hair and bright blue eyes, not to mention that pesky height. Standing at six feet even, Benji is still just a inch or two shorter than her mother and big brother. Usually tanned, Benji doesn’t really go for the pale look. She’s pretty much permanently tanned, regardless of the season changes.

Her body is generally lanky, with quite long arms and legs, none of which are exactly muscular. She is definitely more baggy clothes than muscle mass. She can hold her own in a fight, but mostly because she’s wiry and quick on her feet rather than that she is exceptionally physically strong. Her physique is a little more feminine than she’d prefer, her chest is actually pretty well endowed but she likes to see her boob and hips on other ladies thank you. Still, she works what she got.

She wears her hair long, usually keeps it down, but has been known to pull it back if she’s particularly deep in concentration or annoyed. Benji’s clothing style reflects that of a freshmen boy with lots of baseball hats, ripped jeans, graphic tees, sneakers two sizes too big, plaid, and a ton of Aviator sunglasses. She doesn’t really like doing the dress up thing unless she is absolutely forced into it for a special occasion. She’d rather be comfortable, and finds that since her clothes usually end up singed or torn up anyway, there is really no point in having tons of nice things to wear.

Likes: Tattooing, art,

- Was going to be named Kesha Sommer-Passos until she was actually born and Michi and friends managed to talk Hunter out of it.

- Mostly does things she knows Hunter will hate just to get under her mother's skin since her awakening from her coma. Being a vegetarian, not playing any sports, refusing to fly, blowing up the garage, starting arguments with her for no reason, etc.


- Used to idolize Hunter & Mack ridiculously as a child. When they got hurt and Hunter slipped into a coma, rather than being purely upset or sad about it, Benji just lost her respect for them all together. Hunter even more so than Mack. She believes they were selfish idiots to put their lives on the line for strangers when they both had families at home, wives and kids, and she believes even more so that they were cowards for letting their guards down and getting defeated in the first place. Her childhood perception of them had always been invincible, but their accident made it clear that they were far from that. It will take her a long time to come around and forgive Hunter for the way she messed up their family and her life.

Amortentia Smells Like: .
Detailed personality:

Personal History


Benji Sommer-Passos
Name: Benji Sommer-Passos
Back December 2011
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