...'Cause you know that I can.

Minor Setback

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

Minor Setback

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My computer took a dive Tuesday night. I haven't had time to properly diagnose it yet, and probably won't until Monday or Tuesday. And while I've access to a backup machine (which I'm now using) it's a bit on the slow side. I'm praying that it isn't the motherboard or the processor that's gone bad, since 1) both are out of production, meaning that I'll have to either resort to buying used or reconditioned, or building a new system alogether, and 2) If I can't find a board with the same (or similar) RAID controller, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose a LOT of data. Nothing really critical, mind you, but it's a headache I don't need right now.

Still managing to get some work done, at least. Right now I'm reading Why the Allies Won, by Richard Overy, a book highly recommended for AltHistory fans. Only two chapters in, and it's already proven engrossing, especially because it makes a strong case for WWII not quite being the forgone conclusion that most history books, in the name of brevity, make it out to be. And my other book--Heydrich: The Face of Evil, by Mario Deidrichs--is due to arrive by Wednesday. I'll have some more on him in a later entry.

Besides that...I finally scored a bottle of Absolut New Orleans vodka last night. I'm not really into hard liquor (I prefer beer), but this stuff is pretty good with the right mixer. Ocean Spray Cranberry/Blueberry juice is the best I've tried so far. Plus I've finally got someone else in my department at work, and he seems decent enough. Hooray for us.

(EDIT 1/7/08: Comments disabled. For some reason the spambots keep hitting this one.)
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