...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

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Your Primary Super Power
Location of Head Quarters
Primary Costume/Uniform Colors
Why are you a Superhero?
Your Superheroic Codename
The veteran grim member of the teammortalhelix
The sexist and crass but annoyingly effective oneeternalfenix
The bright-eyed novice or sidekickdreamoftruths
The teammate that will eventually go evil or insanlady_die
The inept yet determined/reoccurring supervillainlady_die
The sinister Arch-Villain and team's greatest foedreamoftruths
The perky civilian that keeps getting kidnapped_kamora_rinka_
How often does your team actually 'save the day'?
This Fun Quiz created by Shannon at BlogQuiz.Net
Gemini Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

LiveJournal Username
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest!
Cutlass or pistol?
What is the name of your pirate ship?
Where is your secret pirate base?
What kind of loot do you prefer?
What do you and your crew prefer to be called?
Parrot or monkey?
Your capable first matepunkbuster
Your bumbling cabin boy with a heart of goldnormallife
The aloof, yet honorable, pirate with a mysterious pastnormallife
Is always the first one into the fraylogicalmob
Is the naval officer who ruthlessly pursues your shipmortalhelix
Is the comical pirate who is always drunk on grogmortalhelix
Is currently in Davy Jones's lockerpunkbuster
The amount of money you make as a pirate$79,004
This Fun Quiz created by Lynn at BlogQuiz.Net
Aries Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

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