[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Wolf
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Subject:Bio: Wolf
Time:06:43 pm
Wolf Marcel Beaumont
Only child and near sociopath
Daemon and demon

Name: Wolf Marcel Beaumont
Age: 24
Gender/Preference: Male
Title: Mage
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Former student from Salem
Residence: Meridian
Familiar: A dog
Magical abilities: Daemon, enchantment, experimental, lightening and iron, and some demon.
Appearance: He's built like his father, average height, medium build, and devious smirk. He plays off the careless and effortless look.

Personality: Manipulative jerk, somewhat charming, sneaky
Strengths: His ability to turn off sympathy and empathy in the heat of the moment, it makes him a better fighter and a huge tool for his father's sneaky revenge.
Weaknesses: His mother.
Secrets: He wants to be friends with his cousins, he just doesn't want to disappoint his father.

Biography: Wolf was born in CLDF to a woman who was put in prison for life. On the day of his birth he was given to his father who had already left the facility, three months before his birth, Victor Graves. Victor raised Wolf all on his own and taught the boy that the best way to live was to lie, cheat, and steal.

Wolf was not raised to know his cousins, as his father and his father's twin were not talking to each other the entire time, but he knew who his cousins were and he knew that his assignment from his father was to make sure their lives were miserable.

When Wolf was old enough to figure out who his mother was he went to CLDF to visit her and he has visited her every weekend since that day. He loved to talk to his mother even though she unknowingly makes him feel bad for his actions against his cousins.

Wolf refuses to call Victor "dad" or "father" and simply refers to him as Victor. Vic doesn’t seem to mind. He followed his cousins to Meridian on his father's orders and plans to reek havoc and perhaps steal a seat of power.

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[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Wolf
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