[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Calanthe
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Subject:Bio: Calanthe
Time:10:38 pm
Elf, Warrior, Diplomat
Controls a seat of power in Meridan

Name: Calanthe
PB: Felicia Day
Age: 380
Gender/Preference: Female/ no preference
Title: Elf
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Neither
Residence: Meridian
Magical abilities: Elf
Appearance: Pale skin, bright red hair. Tall and slight.

Personality: Dignified. Pleasant.
Strengths: Diplomacy, bravery.
Biography: Calanthe was born the second child in a strong line of elfin warriors. She as brought up learning the techniques of war and battle from her brother and parents but eventually adapted to the New Meridian style of diplomacy. She believes that the problems in Meridian can be solved through explanation and diplomacy but her theories are not to be confused with an unwillingness or inability to fight as she is a fierce warrior to be dealt with on the field of battle.

Calanthe had a daughter with an as yet unnamed tribe member, she raised the girl with two different schools of thought, the warrior and the diplomat. She received one of the seats of power in Meridian as the elves and mages would like to make peace among the people and she has always been a leading example of peace.

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[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Calanthe
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