[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Cricket
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Subject:Bio: Cricket
Time:10:43 pm
Elf, adventurer
Curious and inquisitive
Still learning the ropes

Name: Cricket
PB: Danielle Panabaker
Age: 165
Gender/Preference: Female/experimenting
Title: Elf
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Neither
Residence: Meridian
Magical abilities: Elf
Appearance: She looks just like her mother. Pale skin, long red hair. Tall and thin.

Personality: Curious, inquisitive,
Strengths: Bravery, adventurous personality
Weaknesses: Leaps before thinking
Biography: Cricket is the only child of Calanthe and an as yet unnamed elf in their tribe. She had a wonderful childhood with her mother and the village although she did notice that she never quite fit in with anyone.

Now that she's older she is trying to help her mother figure out how to change Meridian and make it a more peaceful place.

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[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Cricket
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