[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Orion
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Subject:Bio: Orion
Time:06:03 pm
Orion Remus Chance Sato
Shifter and twin
Expert Binder and Daemon
Delightfully mischievous

Name: Orion Remus Chance Sato
Age: 24
Gender/Preference: Male, heterosexual
Title: Shifter
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Student
Residence: Salem
Familiar: A small bat called Yuzuki, he calls her Yui [You-i]
Magical abilities: Pan magic, he's really good at binding
Appearance: He's slightly taller than his sister with a slightly muscular build. He looks more like his father than he does his mother but with Nate's delicate facial features.

Personality: Orion is definitely a night owl, he functions far better the later it is and way wore in the mornings. He is cheerful and sweet like his sister but has always had a tendency to get into more trouble than her. He's a delightfully mischievous, never causing any harm and always having a good time. He is the life of the party while still being a good shoulder to lean on.
Strengths: Binding magic is the key to his pan magic. Nyx. He's also incredibly talented at Daemon magic.
Weaknesses: Morning, he sometimes struggles with focusing if it's too early. Nyx.

Biography: Orion was born two minutes after his twin sister Nyx who can't seem to let go that fact that she is slightly older. He grew up with his family and friends, living simply and attending Salem Academy. He made tons of friends while he was in school and broke a few hearts. As he grew up, he knew that there were bigger things out there.

Once he finished up his schooling he decided to move out to Meridian where he might be able to help with the unstable political environment.

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[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Orion
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