[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Nyx
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Subject:Bio: Nyx
Time:06:22 pm
Nyx Alexandra Chance Sato
Shifter and twin.
Expert break binder and very good at weaving
Cheerful and positive

Name: Nyx Alexandra Chance Sato
Age: 24
Gender/Preference: Female, bisexual
Title: Shifter
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Graduate
Residence: Formerly Salem, moving to Meridian
Familiar: A black cat called Dexter, sometimes in the sunlight his fur looks dark, dark blue.
Magical abilities: Pan magic, she's really good at break binding
Appearance: She's got a good mix of her mother and father in her looks. She has a red tint to her long hair and she's always smiling. She is pretty short, standing around 5'2.

Personality: Nyx is a morning person. Bright, bubbly, and in love with life. She's spunky and cheerful all the time.
Strengths: Break binding is the key to her pan magic. Orion. Cheerful and bubbly attitude. Ability to see the silver lining. She's a talented weaver.
Weaknesses: Inability to see the bad in people and places. Orion.
Secrets: She weaves dreams for her brother, she is his life match and hasn't figured out how to tell him yet.

Biography: Nyx was born approximately two minutes before the birth of her twin brother Orion and she has lorded that over him for years. She grew up living simply with her parent and her brother. She attended Salem Academy and learned her special magic from her mother and her grandpa Enki.

She spent most of her time in the academy hanging out with her cousins and friends, flirting with boys, and avoiding her cousin Wolf. She's had a few bad break ups, one pregnancy scare (which he didn't think was possible), and she did a bit of traveling. Now that she's graduated she wants to make a difference, she believes that moving out to Meridian will give her the opportunity to really change the way things are.

Font: sunshine in my soul: http://www.dafont.com
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[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Nyx
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