[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Hero
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Subject:Bio: Hero
Time:06:33 pm
Hero Ianthe Myles Graves
Fairie and Werewolf
Gentle and kind idealist

Name: Hero Ianthe Myles Graves
Age: 25
Gender/Preference: Female, heterosexual
Title: Fairie/werewolf
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Graduate
Residence: Formerly Salem, moving to Meridian
Familiar: No familiar
Magical abilities: Some fae magic, lycanthropy, daemon, water and earth elements
Appearance: She gets most of her looks from her mother with a little bit of her dad's wild look. She's pretty average in the height department, not too small, not too tall. When in her form she is snow white, much like her grandpapa Ham's familiar.

Personality: She's sweet, kind, and easy going. She's very forgiving and gentle.
Strengths: Ability to shift easily between her forms.
Secrets: She saw her cousin Wolf crying in the woods once when she was in wolf form. She sat by his side for a few minutes until he gained his composure. He only said "thanks pretty girl, I can never trust mages the way I trust you guys."

Biography: The only child to Aiden and Willow Graves, she is unique in her ability to control her forms. It took many years before she was able to control this, but she did it none the less with the help of her mother and her teachers. She grew up living a pretty simple life and attending Salem Academy with her cousins, avoiding one particular cousin (Wolf) at her parents request and learning as much as she could. Her cousin Wolf has a way of making her life and her cousins's lives much more complicated than they needed to be. Half of Wolf's plots they knew were his, the other half they did not.

Once she finished her schooling at Salem, Hero knew she was bound for great things. She didn't want to stay in New Meridian where she knew she would be wasting her time and skill. She wanted adventure, she wanted to do something dangerous and take a leap. She decided to move out to Meridian with her cousins and friends where she might be able to help restore order.

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[icon] Hero, Nyx, Orion, Wolf, Calanthe, and Cricket - Bio: Hero
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