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Leonard van Bëte

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[03 Jan 2009|07:36pm]
Every day I thank the ice cream man that the holidays are over. I don't think I could take anymore carolers, stale Christmas cookies, or stupid little ornaments being thrown at my face. I still don't get why there are STILL decorations up. Get with the times, people. It's past New Years Day, so get the fucking lights out.

It's horrible to see that some of you are back. Go back to where you came from; I liked the other practice rooms quiet.
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[15 Dec 2008|04:24pm]
That's it. This is getting to be a nuisance.

Whoever the fuck keeps going into MY practice room and locking the door so that I can't see who it is, get the fuck out. That is NOT for your pleasure. That is MY practice room. It has been since the beginning of the year. And I know you're not another piano major because it doesn't sound like a piano major's playing, unless one of you froshies decided to go and piss me off.

I'm asking nicely. Get the fuck out of my practice room, and don't make the same mistake again, asshole.
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[12 Dec 2008|03:38pm]
out of character.
hello my name is rachaellll.
i am this many in years 18.
am i experienced? here.
you can contact me at lawlz pirate @ aim, synchrofreak@gmail.com

in character.
hello my name is Leonard van Bëte.
my major is composition/piano performance.
my age/year is 18.5; freshman.
i come from Solon, Ohio.

one. Leonard hates being called Leonard, for the most part. He'd rather people called him Lenny, because let's face it folks, who the hell is called Leonard anymore? He wants no part of it.
two. Lenny hates that he's from a small town in Ohio that no one has heard of. He says it's rather uncultured and beneath him. Therefore, he barely keeps in contact with his worrying parents. Lenny wants nothing to do with Ohio. He'll never go back, he claims.
three. Leonard has rather bad hearing. In fact, it's so bad that he's had to go to the doctors office regularly to get checks on his ears. Lenny blames it on his grandfather; he was deaf, so it must be hereditary. Leonard is determined, however, to concur this handicap. He refuses to believe he's going deaf, so he does some crazy things to make his hearing the same.
four. More than anything in the world, Leonard would love to be loved. He is so socially awkward, however, that he has no game when it comes to girls. Instead of telling them that they're pretty or he likes their sweaters, he makes fun of them with awkward, immature jokes. Lenny doesn't really get what the problem with this is.
five. Leonard beats the shit out of pianos, and he's rather proud of it. Maybe this doesn't help his hearing any -- it could potentially burst his eardrums -- but he doesn't care. What Leonard loves more than anything in the world is the sound of music.
six. Lenny often gets himself into these very moody states where he can't speak to anyone without blowing up at them. Most of the time, he keeps to himself when this happens so that he can get over it. A lot of times, though, he just ends up screaming at the nearest passerby.
seven. Leonard is one of the smartest boys in his year. He often finds himself absently competing with that one annoying kid who claims to be a Mozart fanatic. Yeah, the one that can do absolutely EVERYTHING. Well, Lenny can do everything too. He'll show this joker who's boss.
eight. More than anything in the world, Lenny loves music. He will never let ANYONE do anything to do musical harm. ...Which happens more often than not, in his opinion.
nine. Leonard makes fun of other people. He doesn't know how not to. He thinks everyone is an insolent fool, and there's nothing they could ever do about it. The only person who is right is Lenny, and he'll make sure everyone knows it. He even tries to correct the teachers on occasion.
ten. Lenny isn't the most popular of boys in the school. In fact, he may be the most hated. No one, though, can deny his phenomenal musicality that is way ahead of his time.
but if you promise not to tell. Leonard secretly wishes that everyone would love him. He doesn't want to be the one that everyone hates; it's just that that's all he knows how to do well. He is easily provoked, so he lashes out on anyone he can. Secretly, though, all he wants is to be liked by everyone.

pb/picture Sam Riley
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