Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Head's up!

Okay...getting it out there just so people know, I will be out of town from May 23rd to the 30th, as I am going to Spain and Portugal with my choir, on a tour. I will not be taking the laptop with me, so I will not be getting to pings and the such while I'm away. I'll try to push through stuff this week (even though I'm getting my brain back together from finals and getting over a cold, so I apologize in advance for slowness), as I know that a couple of my characters are involved in a couple of plots. Charlie, in 12-Step, will be a little tricky, as I know that me not being around to play him will stall the plot a little, so I understand if people want to wrap up step one/start the next one and want to just have him as just being there, helping out, but not really in the thick of things.

I will be sure to take lots of pictures!

- Allie
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