Léon Shaw
08 February 2019 @ 03:23 am
OOC Stuff >.> Please be ignoring this if it pops up on your Flist  
Leon's Soundtrack to Liiiife )
Léon Shaw
16 June 2011 @ 11:38 am
[private to students]  
For the record, trying to frame me for theft does not mean I'll get more detention.

Why would I steal socks anyway?
Léon Shaw
08 June 2011 @ 09:12 pm
[private to upper classman only]  
[In French]

[So, France, graduating to sex with your red-headed step-child in someone else's bed? Damn, I didn't peg you for that kind of freak.

But oh...wait. You didn't have sex with your girl in her roommate's bed. Guess you don't know about it either, considering the lack of screaming from below. Hey, I'll give you two guesses who did bang her like a slut monkey though. ]

[End French]

I hear this is the song of the hour for some....lovely ladies.
Current Mood: chipper
Léon Shaw
19 May 2011 @ 07:13 pm
[private to upper classman]  
Most of you deserve an apology from me for one thing or another. I'm a bit shit at them, so...

You know.

Léon Shaw
15 April 2011 @ 06:47 pm
[private to upper classman]  
OOC: Pretend this post was deleted. I was too amused to really delete it. )
Léon Shaw
20 March 2011 @ 02:26 pm
[Charmed to Upper Academy Students]  
Oh Avery, even the children hate you.

(OOC WARNING: Westboro Baptist Church Video below.) )

You are the issue of America. Just remember that.
Current Mood: annoyed
Léon Shaw
24 February 2011 @ 10:03 pm
-Private to upper academy  

Failure. Failure.
Léon Shaw
05 February 2011 @ 01:52 pm
-Private to upper academy  
Video: Click me )

Just go for it. Go for it.

Video: Click me too )

All about the goodwill and well being of others. Yes indeed.
Léon Shaw
25 January 2011 @ 11:08 pm
-Private to upper academy  
And you all thought i was joking.

If you want to go looking for more of them, I suggest steel gloves and a mask. Fuckers like the face.

Also- Sim, Stas...one of you s.o.b's, I'm running low. Help a brother out, yeah?
Léon Shaw
21 January 2011 @ 07:02 pm
-Private to upper academy  
fact: there is a thing snacking on people on this campus.

it might possibly be taking request.

[Private to Michi]

sorry about that text last night
Léon Shaw
14 January 2011 @ 02:40 am
-Private to upper academy  
Since I've been offending the fags too much lately, I figured I'd offend someone else for a bit.

Like religion.

video )

Because clearly, this is the true story of how god came to be.
Léon Shaw
14 January 2011 @ 01:50 am
Entry in Handwritten Journal- Private to himself  

Tonight is the third night I've been unable to sleep. I've tired everything I could think of- music, hot showers, warm milk, even reading a boring book. I should be used to this by now, given the frequency of sleepless nights. It is only that it seems worse since New Years, since I told Gael. Heh. On the upside, I've managed to finish a weeks worth of classwork in the last forty eight hours. I told Chester he should be impressed, but he seemed less than inclined to do more than attack my hand. Vicious beast.

If I haven't had sleep by morning, I doubt I'll make it to my classes. Not mentally, at least. I've considered making a sleeping drought, but the wisdom in that is questionable at the moment. I'm not sure I could tell one plant from another. Though, at this rate I'm not sure I would care if I poisoned myself.

Should remember to ring up Frost first, though, just so he knows.
Léon Shaw
02 January 2011 @ 11:37 pm
[Private to Upper Academy]  
Videos )

And people say muggles never say anything of worth.
Léon Shaw
05 December 2010 @ 11:03 pm
[Charmed to Upper Academy Students]  
Dear Secret Santa,

Go fuck yourself.


Wikileaks is at it again, as well. It makes you wonder at just how the muggles in this country have survived as a nation this long. Next thing you know, they'll be posting leaks about wizards and witches. At the rate they are going, I'd give it a full year before they start trying to find the schools and ferret us out. We might be terrorist after all.
Léon Shaw
22 November 2010 @ 04:36 pm
[Charmed to Upper Academy Students] United Nations in the news....  
For the those that sometimes feel that the world is against them? That could be true, at least if you are homosexual that is. Members of the U.N. voted to accept execution of gays recently. Which officially means that all those African countries can freely top someone for being gay now.

But never fear, there are still faggot loving countries in the world. Sadly, folks, it just seems the US isn't one of them. Gosh, that's a bleeding shame, yeah? So despite the fact that the US apparently doesn't feel it is right to kill the poofs, can't very well say it isn't a crime against nature, either.

Don't worry, if you can't handle it here, there is always Mexico.
Léon Shaw
14 October 2010 @ 09:43 pm
Charmed private to Upper Academy  

I think she's pissed at me.
Léon Shaw
13 October 2010 @ 02:51 am
Charmed private to Upper Academy  

Sure, mates...it gets better. Its fuckin' shame you all didn't take a nose dive off the nearest bridge.
Léon Shaw
29 September 2010 @ 07:28 pm
Charmed to Students Only  
Hey, all of you single ladies...

Gael needs a date, because he's a lozar...

Anyone want to take pity on him?
Léon Shaw
16 September 2010 @ 07:21 pm
IM Convo with Janis and Leon about his renewed Relationship  
JanJan (namesnotfred) is available )