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Peter Pettigrew

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[07 Mar 2020|11:12am]
Peter Lyrics )
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[21 Oct 2009|12:52am]
This is really strange.

Well...things are finally starting to look up!

Gringotts has been giving me a bit more work throughout the last couple of weeks...and apparently I've been doing something right, because the Ministry wants to give me a job.

For some reason, this seems a bit too good to be true...but it is. I received an owl this morning signed by the head of accounting at The Ministry of Magic.

I guess I'll have to put in my two weeks, or something.
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[12 Jan 2009|08:23pm]
Private )
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[04 Sep 2008|09:18pm]
Hexed against the Order/Friends )

Anyone know who's hiring muggleborns?
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[27 Mar 2008|10:43am]
James. Potter.

Are you aware that it's your birthday?
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[27 Feb 2008|10:22pm]
Dex )
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[27 Feb 2008|09:18pm]
Marauders )
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[18 Feb 2008|06:02pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Marauders )

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[08 Feb 2008|11:08pm]
So, I didn't think Goblins could get any nastier than they already are, but apparently pink hearts, candy and the entire concept of a holiday about 'love' makes them very, very cranky.

I'm kind of afraid of how they'll be when it's actually Valentines Day.

Just another reason for me to dread it.

I have a headache.
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[30 Jan 2008|02:03am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Happy Birthday, Lily!

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