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[23 Jun 2011|08:55pm]
Victor Stone was Central City High's star athlete and scholar.  He could have written his ticket to any college or onto any football team he wanted.  But Victor instead chose to serve his country, entering the military.  He served a  tour of duty in Afghanistan.  It was during the latter part of this tour of duty that he was gravely wounded in an ambush, losing both legs, his left eye, and parts of both arms.  Fitted with prosthetics, he was given an honorable discharge.

Stone went on to further his education, gaining a degree in engineering and graduating at the top of his class.  He was soon offered a job at a STAR Labs research facility.  It was there, working with a team of other scientists, that he designed a number of highly advanced prosthetics for himself.

Though not the first of this rising generation of heroes, Cyborg is certainly among the earliest to make an appearance.  Though some people are quite fearful, others are quickly realizing what a hero he is.  For Victor, this is simply one more chance to serve his country and the world, putting his skills to use as best he can.  STAR Labs is grateful to have such a working relationship with one of these new super-heroes and Victor is still happily employed there.  Rather than give in and brood, he's moving on with his life and turning it into a positive.

And the US military is very interested in talking to him again...

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