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Lily Anne Evans

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Prompt 002; What's your favorite part of spring? [21 Mar 2008|12:07am]
I absolutely love spring. It’s when everything starts to come alive. Flowers start to bloom, birds start to sing. The most perfect time of year if you ask me. And the grounds at Hogwarts are just so beautiful this time of year.

Now of course my favorite season of the year has to be spoiled by end of year tests, O.W.L.s in fifth year and the horrendous incident that followed and the N.E.W.T.s this year. Which I am not stressing out about. At all.

Ok maybe that’s just a small fib. I’m stressing a little, but so would you if you were being tested on what you learned in the entirety of your education. That’s a lot of information for just one test and there just doesn’t seem to be enough time to study between the normal workload of classes and head duties. and trying to figure out which part of this love-hate relationship with Potter I prefer. The love or the hate. But I don’t let that ruin it all for me. Just a small bump in the road, nothing I can’t handle.

Anyways, back to the point, spring is a wonderful time of year and you’ll more and likely find me outside studying more often than not. I hate wasting pretty days indoors. I think that’s what I like most about spring, the weather is always just right outside, never too hot or too cold. It makes me want to spend hours on end out there. And sometime I do just that.
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Prompt 001; Who are you? [16 Mar 2008|05:16pm]
I suppose it is best to start off with simple questions first, even though something more of a challenge would be more fun.

I am Lily Anne Evans. I go by Lily. Not Lily Anne. And most definitely not Lillian. It's Lily. Not short for anything. My mother thought it would be cute. I on the other had do not find it remotely cute or amusing. At one point, being referred to as Evans was also highly annoying but is has regrettably grown on me a bit, so now I respond to it. Even though I usually end up ignoring the people who call me that.

But that is quite enough about my name. More about me, I'll break it down into three basics for you.

I'm a Gryffindor and although for a while there Ravenclaw was rather alluring and there was more than enough comments about me being a bookwormish enough to belong there, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am Headgirl, which is a challenge. Not only because its a ton of work loaded on top of the normal craziness of being a seventh year student, but also because of the Head Boy. James Potter. I have no idea how he managed that one. I will admit that he isn’t nearly as he was before, but I'm not sure if I'll graduate with my sanity.

And lastly, I am a muggleborn and proud of it. It doesn't make me any better or any worse than anyone else. And despite what some people may think, I do have the right to be in this school and to be headgirl. If you don't like it, deal with it. I'm not going anywhere.

And that's Lily Evans in a very small nutshell.
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