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Biography [29 Apr 2010|09:27pm]
Amanda's father lived a dangerous life, both in terms of his occult research and his social and political relations. The one thing he wasn't willing to risk was his little girl, and with child mortality rates being what they were even for those whose fathers hadn't upset All the Wrong People, that meant...precautions for her health.  The processes he used were too complex, belabored, and dangerous to the caster to bear repeating, but Amanda eventually learned the less problematic rites to maintain the effects for healthy, pleasant immortality, albeit with a few side effects.

Amanda has spent that very long life in perfectly ladylike pursuits: reading, writing in her diaries, collecting beautiful things, and volunteer work.

Sure, the beautiful things often have inscriptions that should only be read aloud within a magic circle, and the volunteer work includes breaking the occasional law and casting the occasional spell in order to save lives, but it's all perfectly ladylike.  Papa would have been proud.

She has been the Witch of Mirandola, the Witch of Leuven, the Witch of Solferino. Now, she is the Witch of Denver.  Her small home is packed with her collections and books -- which are equally divided between those written by others and volume after volume of copperplate-scripted Italian.

Amanda speaks fluent and conversational Italian, Arabic, English, French, Dutch, German, Greek (Modern), Hungarian/Magyar, Mandarin, and Romansch.
She is fluently literate it all of these, plus Aramaic (including such derivations as Syriac), Avestan, Coptic, several other forms of Egyptian, Enochian, Greek (ancient, several dialects), Latin, Lingua Ignota, Rovas (and variants), Sanskrit, and Voynich. Yes, Voynich.  

Her favorite spells include shielding, control of sleep and wakefulness, and a rather handy invocation which can temporarily make her skin as hard as stone.
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