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alice chambers

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May 14, 1997 [14 Jan 2008|08:31pm]
I'm not going to claim that dodgeball is a completely safe, harmless sport. With any sport, there is a chance that someone will suffer a minor or a serious injury. I did some research and found an article in a medical journal from earlier this year that examined the percentage of hospital visits from sports Injuries. Dodgeball, along with 6 other recreational sports, fell under the category of "other sports" and accounted for only 4.3% of injuries sustained in children and young adults aged 5-24. Which means dodgeball accounted for even less of that.

Further, many skills are used during dodgeball, including quick movements, quick change of direction, throwing, catching and aiming. It even challenges several major muscle groups and all that running is really good for the cardiovascular system. Plus it's really fun! It's a game anyone can play and it promotes team work and that's exactly what we want!

Fact time! Apart from humans, the only land animal that cries is the elephant.
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[ viewing | January 14th, 2008 ]
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