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Greyson Hunter

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [14 Sep 2013|12:22am]
Greyson Hunter

Master Marksmen- Almost never misses attacks
Rapid Shot- Has a Chance to Preemptively counter Ranged attacks

L1- Blade Barrage- Single target slashing ranged attack. Causes Bleeding.

L2- Ricochet Shots- Single target ranged attack. Chance to cause Stun. Causes Ricochet Blow on other targets.

L6- Flip Kick Shot- Single target slashing melee attack. Causes Easy Target.

L9- Bullseye- Single target slashing ranged attack. Brutal strike. Fatal Blow.
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New PB Ideas [17 Apr 2013|08:23am]
Cale Mills

Kris Allen

Mike Vogel

Nick Stahl-

Callard Harris-
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Mirror's Edge [16 Aug 2011|09:09pm]
1. Al Lawson does some killing for Rose Red which attracts Greyson's attention due to the seemingly impossible nature of how they were killed with kills that only Bullseye and himself as far as he knew could do.

2. Greyson leave the Thunderbolts without saying a word or leaving a note intent on tracking his Father down using this trail. Thunderbolt can try and track him down if they want.

3. Rose Red sends Al out on a hit and Greyson tracking the pattern catches him in the act. If the Thunderbolts catch up with Greyson first they can save the person the hit is on since Greyson won't really care there since his focus is on the attacker.

4. Greyson and Al fight with some of Rose Red people helping out to deal with the other Thunderbolts and any other Independents that might be involved.

5. Once Greyson starts Al retreats and temporarily goes into hiding. An annoyed Greyson heads back to Boston to be with the Thunderbolts.

6. When he gets there he finds a note waiting for him that no one can seem to remember having gotten there from his father laughing at his son's fighting.
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Greyson's Brother [21 Jun 2011|11:46pm]
Name: Al Lawson

PB: Colton Haynes

History: The product of another one night stand though this time one to get closer to a target, Bulleye find out about Al at a younger age than he found out about Greyson. Al does not really remember life before his dad took him. Raised separately and in secret of each other Al and Greyson never knew about each other. Unlike his brother who resented his father for all of this Al idolized his father and wanted to be just like him. Al found out about Greyson though before Greyson rain away when his dad punished him for not being as talented as his brother. This got even worse after his brother ran-away. With his father's attentions else were he approached the new Kingpin of crime Rose Red about doing some work for her putting his skills to good use.

Abilities: Al has extremely high accuracy with just about any object though he has not natural talent for this and had to work very to get to this level and has to constantly practice to keep it. Al is also a very skilled fighter who uses precise strikes and pressure points to fight.
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Test Scene [08 Dec 2010|11:25pm]

Greyson was walking back from work. A mind numbing seasonal job that fit with what he could manage for staying in one place before moving on like he usually did.

Suddenly group of guys in ski masks run into him and by him.  It didn’t take too much to notice the guns and bags.

He might not be the most heroic sort of person but these guy had rubbed him the wrong way and he hadn’t gotten into a fight in a while and started to follow after them glad he carried a good assortment of throwing knives on him at all times.

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App [05 Dec 2010|03:32am]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: on record
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name:  Greyson Hunter
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Greyson is 6’1” and 177lbs. He has Blue eyes and Brown hair.
Age: 25
Birthday: November 21
PB: (If using one.) Jonas Armstrong

Expert Marksmanship: Greyson has amazing Marksmanship with just about any object though he is quite partial to the Bow and Arrow as his primary weapon. He has a natural talent for it with almost supernaturally perfect Eye-Hand coordination and was trained by his father in it.

Expert Marital Artist: Greyson was trained by his father in how to fight and has some training an acrobatics.

Weapons Proficiency: His same natural skill for Eye-Hand coordination also makes it very easy to learn how to use weapons though he only currently has training with swords and knives.

Weaknesses and flaws: Greyson is a normal human being and has all the weaknesses that come with that. Greyson is colorblind and suffers from protanopia which means he can’t see the colors red or green and they both appear as the same shade of beige to him and has trouble with the color yellow as well.

Character location/Home: Mobil
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Amoral though leaning towards good
Relatives (living/dead?): Bullseye- Father, Karen Hunter- Mother

Greyson was the product of a one night stand between Bullseye and his mother who had no idea who he was.  Bullseye had been in town for a job so his mother did get a chance to tell him that she was pregnant. She gave birth to Greyson and was content to raise him by herself.

From an early age Greyson showed astounding eye-hand coordination and was also diagnosis with protanopia. It was mostly that Bullseye would have never have found out about Greyson if it weren’t for sheer luck. Bullseye was back in the same town on a job where he saw five year old Greyson with his mother who he vaguely remembered and saw a demonstration of coordination that reminded him of himself.

Curious he hired someone to look into it more who informed him that this was most likely his son. Having found this out he promptly broke into their house informing them of what he had found out that he was going to be taking Greyson. His mother tried to fight him on this but quickly  took her out not really caring whether he had killed her or not and took Greyson anyways.

He then through the Kingpin got a home and safe house in a rural area set up for Greyson with someone to look after him while he was away which was often. When he was there he Bullseye put him through brutal training sessions attempting to make him his legacy.

Greyson grew to hate his father immensely and had runaway only to be caught and beaten several times. But he was young and there was not much he could do about it. When he was 19 he successfully escaped and was more or less on the run for several years doing odd jobs and some mercenary work a he could. All the while wanting to find a way to stop running.

After a while he came to the conclusion that that could only happen if he killed his father which he kind of wanted to do anyways. He has since been looking for a way to do just that.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Run into and help out the Thunderbolts
What are you planning to do with this character?: Find out what happened to his Mother, confront his Father, Thunderbolts stuff
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Thunderbolts stuff, Grow as a character, see what happens with what he wants to do with his life

Sample post: I would like to do a test scene with someone

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