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Why Ergonomic Office Chairs? [01 Mar 2013|02:13pm]

If you are often tasked with the responsibilities of buying office furniture for your workplace, than you have no doubt heard about ‘ergonomic office chairs’. What is the big deal about ergonomic furniture, and why does everyone make such a big deal out of it? That is a great question, and to answer it, we are first going to deal with what happens when you DON’T buy ergonomic office furniture.

 When it comes to your office chair, you need to keep in mind that this is a chair in which you will be spending a GREAT deal of time. If you work for eight hours per day, than you are going to be spending the VAST majority of this time in your chair. So what is wrong with that? After all, you are sitting down… so it’s not like you could get injured or anything from it, even if the chair is not ergonomic, right?

 Actually, that is EXACTLY the problem. As it turns out, sitting for prolonged periods of time in an uncomfortable, low-quality office chair can contribute to a number of different medical and health problems. It can cause discomfort, contribute to back and neck fatigue, and can even play a role in the development of repetitive stress injuries caused by the kind of activities you subject yourself to while working in the office. Most low quality office chairs offer little or no lumbar support, don’t adjust for height like they should, and don’t supply the kind of comfort needed to utilize them for long periods of time.

 So why ergonomic office chairs? How are they different?

 Well, when it comes to ergonomic office furniture, you are usually talking about chairs that have been specifically designed to prevent the types of discomfort that you will experience in a lower quality model. They provide high quality lumbar support, adjust for height, and are shaped to accommodate your spine in such a way that will minimize neck and back fatigue, while at the same time keeping you comfortable. Ergonomic office chairs are generally priced a little higher than regular chairs, but if you or your employees are going to be spending a lot of time at the desk, then it is DEFINITELY worth the investment. It could save you trips to the chiropractor, prevent you from developing troublesome pain, and will also most likely last longer (since they are usually made to be more durable.).

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