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100 movies in a year [12 Jan 2008|03:33pm]
1. Good Luck Chuck- I thought it was cute, it does not make you think at all, but if you are just looking for a good escape movie, this is your best bet 3/5
2. Across The Universe- AMAZING one of the best movies I have seen in a long time, even if you aren't a Beatles fan it is still a beautiful move 5/5
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100 books in a year [12 Jan 2008|03:31pm]

1.Twilight- So cute but some of it dragged on and it got a little cheesy at points still a good quick read and I think the movie is going to be good 3/5
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Swiftretro@GJ [10 Jan 2008|01:27pm]
cmt 2 B +
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